Thursday, April 9, 2009

This baby is .... SPOILED!

He definitely has come into his likes and dislikes! He knows that anyone in our family is more than ready to pick him up and hold him at a moment's cry ... yes, no kidding, this child is held and passed around more than he probably should be, but we just can't help it and probably won't stop! I'm not complaining at all. I am learning to work on my computer with him in my lap, feed him while I answer a text message, but I do lay him down for making bottles or cooking a meal! I draw the line at putting him in one of those little front-side baby holders ... although I did try it, I realized quickly it just wasn't going to work. So I threw that thing in a box.

Kadin is staying awake for longer periods of time and is now taking in more formula than he was just 2 days ago. He slept for a full six hours last night and he is (adjusted) just six weeks old. I hope by the end of his 2 months, he will be sleeping like that regularly. It will be nice, but then again, I kinda liked getting up at 3am and realizing I could sleep for another 4 hours as soon as I fed him and put him back down!

Kadin is smiling a lot more too, except the last couple of days he hasn't really. He's just been clingy to me, wanting to be held, crying if I even put him down to make him a bottle, except right now, he is laying in this playpen beside me and relaxing - not sleeping, just chilling.

This cannula is about to drive me MAD. It will NOT stay in his nose. It slips thru the tape or the little circles and ends up trying to give his eyeball or his ear some not-so-much-needed oxygen! He turns his head so much when he's laying down or in the swing that it just moves it and I don't know how to keep it still. When I am holding him, he likes to rub his face or his nose in my shoulder or my shirt and that moves it too ... it's like his nose itches and he is scratching it with my shirt. It's probably that cannual getting on his nerves ... poor baby, I can't wait til it is not needed anymore.

Guess I'm gonna go see if Kadin wants to visit his bed ... mine is calling my name, maybe I can fake him out!!!


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