Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rooming In - Day One

It has almost been 24 hours and quite frankly, I am exhausted. I remember how difficult it was to have a newborn and really, that is what we consider Kadin at this point. He will "catch up" at about 2 years of age, but for now, he is a newborn. It wasn't that long ago that I was having to get up every 3 hours to pump the liquid gold, but now, I have several new steps in the process of feeding the baby. I get to prepare his formula for his bottles, change him, take his temperature, and chart it all, too. That happens every 3 hours (8, 11, 2, and 5) so I get 2 hours in between to hold him or sleep or eat or shower or whatever ... They have him on a good schedule here and we can't deviate from it at all unless our pediatrician says we can. We will be seeing him on Thursday after we go home...

We will be leaving here on Monday morning after Kadin sees the eye Dr. We thought we were going to have to go to his Arlington office but he is coming here to the hospital and then we will be able to go ... that is, if there are no problems. It is going to be a long ride home. We have to stop every little bit and take Kadin out of the seat, change him, feed him ... basically stick to his routine while we are on the road. Then we have to stop an hour before we get home and get the oxygen concentrator for the house. It will be nice to finally get home. I have missed my kids ssooo much this week. I know they had to go home when they did or we would not be able to be doing what we are right now.

I have been having some weird dreams. I am not sure where they are coming from but they bother me. I hope next time I lay down and close my eyes I won't be having any crazy dreams.

So many people have stopped by our room to say "bye" to us and many have also said they will stop by again tomorrow or Monday morning before we leave. It makes you feel good that after staying here for so long, people express how happy they are for you that you are going home. Some of the nurses were actually surprised to see our name out on the board outside of our room!

I'm gonna close now ... I only have an hour and a half left before I feed again. And I want another nap, lol. No constant sleep for me for a long time!

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