Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Back On The Vent We Go! :(

I realize I have not written or even really updated anyone in a week. I have been extremely busy with my family here. We have a pretty good routine down now. I decided I better update everyone so you all can still be praying for us … I just got a call from the Dr. on call.
Dr. Barber called to let us know that he had to put Kadin back on the vent a little bit ago. He has been having some touch and go episodes the past week and the Dr.’s have just been trying to let him work through it, but the last episode he had he almost did not come back from so they put him back on the vent. I was disappointed to hear it but glad that he is at least getting a little bit of a rest now. He is fighting so much to live that he is worn out. He is strong willed and very stubborn, he hates it when the nurses get in his bed and mess with him, and last week he did not even tolerate the occupational therapist looking at him to make sure everything is working correctly.
Overall for the past week he has been kinda weak … He has had what they call Brady’s, which is apnea to make it short, where his heart rate drops, he de-saturates, and you have to work at getting him to breathe again. It’s scary … he’s done it in my arms more times than I care for him to do it, but a rub on his sternum brings him back usually fairly quickly.
So, we are headed to the hospital in a few minutes to see how he’s doing. We are both kinda upset because we thought he was coming along fairly well … I guess he’s tired and needs a little rest. He did much better on the bubble cpap this time than he did before, lasting 2 weeks this time and only 36 hours last time…
Kadin is doing well on his feeds. He is taking in 26ml of breast milk, which is 4ml less than one ounce, so he is getting ALMOST 8 ounces a day. Each feeding is given over a period of an hour and a half. He only gets about an hour and a half break before they start another feed for him. I have been able to very interactive with him this past week, changing his diapers, taking his temperature, helping with his bath, helping with the changing of his bedding, and my favorite, HOLDING HIM! Yes, I have been able to cradle hold him a few different times this past week and I really love it. The nurses tell me I am a good incubator, he actually gets too warm in my arms. He does well in my arms though, his sats don’t go down like they do when he is in his bed and everything about him stays stable…He loves to hold hands, too. It’s precious. One thing about him being back on the vent is now we will be able to see his little face … You can’t really see it with his bubble cpap stuff on and he stays so swollen. He had a bloody nose from the nose prongs today - I didn’t like that very much.
The kids are doing very well in school. They love it. They will be out this Friday (early release) for Christmas Break. I am looking forward to not having to get up so early since they go to school earlier here (Robbi has to be there before 7:20AM). I think they go back on January 5th. It will pass all too quickly, I know …
Well that is basically my update for now, I have to get to the hospital. I have more to blog about but will write it in another blog … Please pray for us still … we have a long way to go, and Danny still needs a job. I am really worried about bills right now but am leaving it all in God’s hands because I have done all I can do at this point. Say a prayer for us if you will … I appreciate it.
By the way, before I go, just wanted to say I posted a bunch of pictures if you are interested … I have more to post but they are on my camera and I have not taken them off of it yet. I will try to do that tonight. Have a great night family and friends … we love you all!

Love Always,

1 comment:

kirstenpetree said...

oh my, I am so sorry he had to go back on the vent:( But if he isn't working so hard to breathe maybe he will gain some weight faster! How much is he weighing now? I am continuing to pray for him!