Thursday, November 6, 2008


Quickly, I wanted to update again. I know I can tend to run on and on and on and on when I update, but we are just so very excited about having just returned from our visit with the baby ....

He looked so wonderful when we looked at him. They had just given him blood so his color was wonderful. They had the light off, his sunglasses were still removed, so he looked more like our little baby boy rather than a motorcycle rider, lol. Nothing wrong with motorcycle riders, butI just wanna see my baby's face. He was resting and looked very peaceful.

While we were standing there, the Dr. on call for the evening came over and asked how we were and said that Kadin was doing very well right now. He also said that the brain scan to check for brain bleeds came back EXCELLENT and there was nothing wrong in that area. PRAISE THE LIVING GOD !!!!!! He said Kadin is just exactly where he should be for his gestational age and he seems to be doing very well. The new ventilator is like a Cadillac for him and he is responding very positively to everything.

He was so cute to watch. You know babies learn how to "suck" in the womb, you can actually see at times them sucking their thumbs while in utero, or even just making the sucking motions. My batteries died, but I attempted to get video of Kadin practicing his sucking motions. It was adorable!!! I can't wait to hold him soon. He seems to be doing so well, I don't want it to end.

We have had a little setback with the nursing/pumping issue. We came back to the room and I was going to clean up all the equipment for the breast pump. The water to the RMH had been turned off earlier today for quite some time for some repairs to be done. Before we left for our visit with Kadin, we flushed the lines, let the air out and any debris that might have been in the pipes. Unfortunately, not everything was cleared out and when I went to wash the equipment, there was black dots (extremely small!) all over the bottles and pumping equipment. I could not imagine what it was, but it wasn't coming off. To make a long story short, Danny has gone over to the hospital to get me some new supplies. I can't pump without clean and sterile equipment. It's just too risky for any baby, but especially a baby as young as ours! I have let the water run ever since he left and he still has not returned and it's been a little while. (Update: I just heard from him and he said I will not be able to double pump, just pump one side at a time or buy more pieces ... the kit is $90. I am wondering if RMH will replace my stuff since it was ruined by their repairs?)

Well, ok, I'm going to try to get some other things done around here and figure out what to eat. This place is amazing, there is tons of food in the kitchen to eat and every night a different type of organization or business or even club at school comes to cook us dinner. The first night we were here it was dinner by the National Honor Society students.

Alright ... I'm out of here for now. More later ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what wonderful news, no bleeds!!! I want you to know I have been praying for you and your baby!!